Breakfast - special price

We have a special offer for all residents of Walldorf and the surrounding communities!

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Have you announced that you are expecting a visit from your family or friends?

We would be delighted if you would book rooms for your guests with us. As a small thank you, we offer you the opportunity to have breakfast with your guests. You can enjoy our gourmet buffet including drinks for a special price of €9.90 per person (normal price for external guests €16.90).

Please reserve your breakfast spot in advance when booking your room, or at least one day in advance. We offer the breakfast buffet every day from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Reservations & inquiries can be made by phone at 06227 6080 or via the contact form or by E-mail send.

We look forward to seeing you and your guests!

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